Cristóbal Zarzar
PhD Candidate in Ancient Philosophy

Refereed Conference Talks
"Epicurus on the Truth of all Perceptions: a Phenomenal Interpretation."
21st Annual Oxford Philosophy Graduate Conference, University of Oxford. (Nov 2017)
Respondent: Dr Simon Shogry
"Epicurus’ Theory of Perception and the Problem of Conflicting Appearances."
34th Meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, NYC. (Oct 2016)
Graduate Conference “Perception, Reason and Desire in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy”, Uppsala University. Respondent: Dr Erik Eliasson. (Sep 2016)
Classics Graduate Conference: “(Re)viewing Reality: Visuality and Perception in the Ancient World”. Department of Classics, University of Toronto. (Apr 2016)
"Sextus Empiricus’ two-faced child: Is Suspension of Judgement Compatible with an Ongoing Search for Truth?"
Annual British Society for the History of Philosophy Conference, University of York. (Apr 2015)
32nd Meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, NYC. (Oct 2014)
"Sextus Empiricus and the Problem of Conflicting Appearances: Is the Pyrrhonist Committed to a Metaphysical Stance?"
11th London-Berkeley Graduate Conference, Institute of Philosophy, University of London. (May 2014)
"Going Along with Appearances: Pyrrhonism as a Zetetic and Suspensive Persuasion".
17th Annual Oxford Philosophy Graduate Conference, University of Oxford. (Nov 2013)
Respondent: Prof Christopher Shields.
"Is Ancient Pyrrhonism a Hyper-Rational Quest for Truth?"
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / King’s College London Graduate Conference, King's College London. (May 2013)
"Ancient Cynicism and the Possibility of a Hedonistic askesis" (in Spanish).
2nd International Congress of Greek Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Chile. *Unable to deliver the paper due to the postponement of the conference.
"Return to Nature: Some Remarks on the Proposal of Ancient Cynicism"(in Spanish).
1st Colloquium in Political Thought, Humanities Institute, Diego Portales University, Chile. (Aug 2010)
"Diogenes and the Therapeutic Bite: Cynicism as a Medical Activity" (in Spanish).
1st International Congress of Greek Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Chile. (Jul 2010)
"Diogenes of Sinope and the Dog-Philosophers: Some Considerations on the Ideas of the Cynic Movement in Antiquity" (in Spanish).
3rd Conference in Classical and Medieval Studies, Institute of History, Catholic University of Chile. (Oct 2009)
Invited Responses
Response paper on Robert Vinkesteijn's “To Those Who Wish to Improve their Souls: A Reinterpretation of Galen’s QAM.”
7th Cambridge Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy, "Body and Corporeality in Ancient Philosophy", University of Cambridge. (Mar 2017)
Response paper on Máté Veres' "Keep Calm and Carry on: Sextus Empiricus on the Origins of Pyrrhonism.”
6th Cambridge Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy: "Archai and Geneseis: Origins in Ancient Philosophy", University of Cambridge. (Mar 2016)
Apr 2018: "The Growing Argument and the 'duality charge': a dilemma for the Stoics?"
PhD Seminar, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge.
May 2017: "Epicurus on the Truth of all Perceptions."
PhD Seminar, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge.
Mar 2014: "Sextus Empiricus and the Problem of Conflicting Appearances: Is the Pyrrhonist Committed to a Metaphysical Stance?", Graduate Research Seminar, King’s College London.
Mar 2013: "Ancient Pyrrhonism and Suspension of Judgement."
Graduate Research Seminar, King’s College London.
Dec 2012: "Plantinga on the Rationality of Religious Belief".
Graduate Research Seminar, King’s College London.
Jan 2012: "Living in Accordance with Nature: Some Remarks on the Proposal of Ancient Cynicism." MA Research Seminar, King’s College London.
Public Engagement
Oct 2012: "Philosophy as an Art of Living" (in Spanish). Talk as part of the "Philosophy in the Cities" conference sessions, organized by the Cervantes Institute in Casablanca, Morocco.