Cristóbal Zarzar
PhD Candidate in Ancient Philosophy
Research Interests
AOS: Ancient Philosophy, esp. Hellenistic Philosophy, Ancient Scepticism, Ancient Theories of Perception, Ancient Theories of Emotion.
AOC: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion, History of Political Philosophy.

Research Projects
(2012) "Diogenes of Sinope and the therapeutic bite: Cynicism as a medical activity." (in Spanish). In Tradición y Legado: Actas del I Congreso de Estudios Griegos. Santiago: Universidad de Chile, pp. 319-332. ISBN 978-956-19-0807-19.
(2010) "Diogenes of Sinope and the dog philosophers: Some considerations on the Cynic movement of antiquity." (in Spanish) In Revista Historias del Orbis Terrarum, Actas de Jornadas y Coloquios, vol. II, Santiago, pp. 8-16. ISSN: 0718-724.

Reviews and Translations
(2012) Translation of Nancy Sherman, "Aristotle, the Stoics, and Kant on Anger," in Marcelo D. Boeri and Nicole Ooms Renard (eds.), El espíritu y la letra: un homenaje a Alfonso Gómez-Lobos. Buenos Aires: Colihue, pp. 163-198. ISBN: 978- 950-563-416-3.
(2010) Review (in Spanish) of José Antonio Martín García: Los filósofos cínicos y la literatura moral serioburlesca, in Onomázein, no 21 (2010/1): 269-273. ISSN 0717-1285.